Klinik Pergigian Dr Hong (Part of IDSC Group) is located in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, providing a unique same-day dental service for patients that require dentures, crowns, dental veneers, mouth guards or retainers. The clinic is operated by Dr. Matthew Hong and his team of dedicated dental experts. Dr. Hong graduated from the University of Sydney in 1997 as a Bachelor of Dentistry, and has since gone on to specialise in dental implants, orthodontics, dental veneers, dental crowns and root canal surgeries. He is licensed to practice in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia, and has amassed over 20 years of experience in the field of dentistry.
The clinic is located at Jalan Harimau Tarum, just behind the KSL Shopping Centre, just two kilometres from the Woodlands Checkpoint. The convenient location enables many patients to journey from Singapore in the morning, receive their treatment in under two hours, and then return to Singapore on the same day with a new smile in place and money saved!
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