HSE ACUPUNCTURE & TCM CENTRE is a traditional Chinese Medicine one-stop centre that provides in-house consultation, herbal prescription, acupuncture and therapeutic health- care treatments for good inner health.

We have an excellent pharmacy of Chinese herbs:
– With a variety of health care formulas ,which can be taken on a regular basis to maintain good health.
– To balance body functions, improve the immune system and help to develop more energy.

内科, 外科, 妇科, 儿科, 皮肤科, 男科.

采用针灸, 耳针, 腹针, 头皮针, 棍针, TDP神灯, 配合各种治疗仪, 及中医把脉综合疗法专治中风后遗症, 慢性肾炎, 糖尿病, 高血压, 不孕症, 风湿病, 神经内科病, 眼科病, 痔疮及各种奇难杂症.